“Be Strong and courageous” Have you ever needed to hear those words? These are the words for “The Journey”, they are words we need to hear when we start a new Job, have our first child, go on a mission trip, We need to hear them when we face an addiction, confront our past, or walk into the fray of any difficult situation. “Be strong and courageous” are the words that God spoke to Joshua when he began the Journey across the Jordan to lead the Israelites into the promise land. And these are words for us today. This series is from the book of Joshua, it’s about the people of God’s Journey into the promise land; it’s a book about their journey with words to inspire our journey. 1 Cor.10 v 11. "Now all of these things happened unto them for ensamples and they are written for our admonition"  

"Be Strong and Courageous"

 8/26/2006 "God's Discipline"  Jim Fenske

 4/16/2006 "Easter: Joshua 6"  Doug Seletzky

 4/14/2006 "Words From the Cross"  Jim Fenske

 4/9/2006 "Joshua 5"  

 4/2/2006 "Joshua 3&4"  Doug Seletzky

 3/26/2006 "Joshua 2"  Jim Fenske

 3/19/2006 "Joshua 1"  Doug Seletzky

Community of Hope Lutheran Church - Brecksville | 4470 Oakes Road | Brecksville, OH 44141 | 440-792-4700